Cardigan and Half Cardigan
The cardigan and half cardigan stitches can be set up using either a 1x1 rib needle structure or a full needle rib needle structure or needle arrangement.
Front and rear bed needles are directly opposite each other at pitch in this 1x1 rib structure. From the left, the first wale knits on the front bed needle and misses on the rear. The second wale knits on the rear needle and misses on the front.
An alternative 1x1 rib cast on can be found at the bottom of this page.
Rear bed needles are racked or shifted half a position to the right in half pitch for this full needle rib (a.k.a. all needle rib) structure. Every needle knits.
These terms are presented for clarification of what's used in the videos. Different countries customarily use different terms for these structures.
A Cardigan Stitch Variation
This stitch uses the 1x1 needle setup and very lightweight yarn. When running the check you'll receive warnings, "Loop has more than 2 parents which is dangerous." This is because each needle is required to hold the knit stitch plus three tucks before they are knitted off. This can only be safely knitted with very thin yarn. It will produce a lacy effect. I used bamboo rayon NM 12 or 6300 ypp.
Reference Files
View the files below to see settings used with NM 6 wool yarn (cardigan-half-cardigan) and NM 12 bamboo rayon (3tuck-lacy-cardigan-variation)
Download and save the .buck file to your computer. The file can be loaded into the Kniterate design app by clicking New Design > Files (from the menu in the right hand column) > Load buck.
Caution: Always adjust the option settings for your particular yarn. Adjust compiler settings before compiling and knitting.
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